Our Mediathek (in German only) stores extra resources that are relevant to your Beuth publications and can be directly downloaded.

Depending on the item you have purchased from us, the additional content consists of further texts, PDFs and/or flash, video and audio materials that usefully supplement your collection. Take a look at the additional offer for your items at your leisure and then use the media codes to download. 

Your media code is found on a separate page in each publication.

Not yet registered for the Mediathek?

To register free of charge to use the additional material for the Mediathek, please enter your media code in the field "Media-Code eingeben und registrieren". Then fill out the form or log in with your dinmedia.de access data. You will receive - normally within 24 hours - your user name and password via e-mail and can then access the additional material you have activated.

 Already registered for the Mediathek?

 Please log in with your access data to activate further media codes. Enter the media code in the "Weiteren Media-Code einlösen" field. Your additional material will then be directly provided to you.

By the way, we also offer you free access to more content and free publications in the top navigation!